
Contains methods for activation of neural network and reading data from it. See General Idea.

Projectile State Machine

    [*] --> InitialFlightState
    InitialFlightState --> ControlledState
    ControlledState --> ReflectionState
    ReflectionState --> ControlledState

    AnyState --> PauseState
    PauseState --> AnyState

ReflectionState is either CircleReflectionState or ConeReflectionState or RectReflectionState depending on ReflectionMode value.

The projectile is white when in InitialFlightState or ReflectionState.


Properties that you will need to assign in the inspector.

Property Type Description
GlobalVariables GlobalVariablesSO Needed for pause functionality.
LayerMask int Specify the layer of objects that the projectile should collide with.
HealthPoints float Health points of projectile. HP acts like damage on collision.

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Page last modified: Jun 25 2024 at 01:54 AM.